Thursday, November 30, 2017

On This Sunlit November Day

The sweet scent of frshly mowed grass for silage or for hay
Come wafting in the freshening breeze on this sunlit November day
And the weather temperature for the day of a high of twenty degrees
The warm air full of the buzzing of bush flies and of bees
Of singing Nature's praises it does seem hard to tire
The artists and the writers she never fail to inspire
To sketch her and of her write poems and stories she never ceases to amaze
The beauty of our Earth Mother is worthy of our praise
How pleasant in the sunshine to hear the blackbird sing
And the gray shrike thrushes whistling the feathered minstrels of the Spring
And the silver billed black and white birds who sing all through the year
The warbling of the magpies always pleasant for to hear
And there is no mistaking the song of the pee wee
With Nature at her finest everywhere around me.

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